Online Order Projects

The process of the online project order, from mobile application design to website design or integrated business platform, is carried out by Canada SEO Company in the following steps:

before the implementation

The first phase

System development

The second phase

After the execution

The third phase:

What is a system? How does it work? What purpose does it pursue? What is the proposed value of the system?

Phase 1 : Before the online project order implementation


The process of designing any online system starts with an initial idea. The idea of designing a mobile application or designing a website is usually created in response to an obvious need in the market or to create a new space. When the idea is close to the stage of implementation, it is necessary to measure the feasibility, specificity, tangible competitive advantage, proposed value and the need of the society for that idea. In the next step, the idea is feasible and the necessary requirements for its development and implementation are extracted.

Online Project Order - Canada SEO

Business Model (BMC)

In today’s fiercely competitive market, businesses require a well-defined roadmap for success more than ever. Each business possesses a distinct business model that delineates its strategic direction. An emerging approach to crafting such models is through the utilization of the osterwalder method. At Canada SEO, we advocate for the adoption of robust, scalable, and holistic infrastructures, underpinned by a cohesive and foundational business model. Consequently, the Business Model Canvas emerges as a prerequisite in formulating proposals for system implementation.

A request for proposal (RFP)

The requirement document, commonly known as the Request for Proposal (RFP) form, serves as the foundational document for any successful software project. Its accurate and standardized preparation is paramount for effectively guiding online project order implementation, navigating the development process, delineating system architecture, estimating project dimensions, scaling the system, and projecting final costs.

Comprehensive in scope, this document encompasses a range of elements including demands, needs, user scenarios, requested features, and anticipated functionalities. Drawing upon the expertise of Canada SEO’s technical team, marketing professionals, and business consultants, the RFP serves as a blueprint for aligning client requirements with project objectives. Subsequently, the technical proposal, derived from the RFP, is tailored to address specific client needs and is appended to the system development contract, facilitating a clear understanding of project scope and deliverables.

provide an initial cost and time estimate

Providing an initial cost and time estimate for a software project requires careful consideration of various factors, including project scope, complexity, resources, and timelines. Without specific details about the project, such as its size, requirements, and technical specifications, it’s challenging to provide an accurate estimate.
After some joint meetings with the technical and marketing teams of Canada SEO, at this stage you will receive an estimated time for the final delivery of the online project order, as well as a price range for product design and development.

Presentation of the Canada SEO software company proposal

Mobile application design proposal and website design are set based on RFP. The proposals of Canada SEO company are specially developed after a complete analysis of the needs and demands of the customers.
Canada SEO proposals for dedicated web and application solutions are based on online project order implementation details and are different for each business. In specific proposals, things like how to implement features, user scenarios, specific modules, technology portfolio and smart framework are explained with the approach of product scalability and expandability.

Your system can be distinctive. Canada SEO proposals, considering the inherent distinction of each system, tries to provide the best solution for online system development.

Features of the Canada SEO proposal


Feature prioritization

Flexible Support

The technology stack

Building smart automation

Dedicated modules

Dynamic configuration

User scenarios